As a statewide “Get Out the Count” coalition in 2020, New York Counts gathered as many resources as possible to educate, raise awareness, dispel myths, and empower organizational and New Yorker to New Yorker outreach. As we look ahead to the 2030 Census, we have permanently archived these resources to give existing and new coalition partners a strong foundation to begin organizing for the next count.

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Resource Hub

We are a hub for resources for New Yorkers, for New York organizers, advocates, and influencers, and, simply, for all to be empowered with accurate information and timely materials that will help them become partners in getting themselves and their communities counted.

Census Bureau

From the official U.S. Census

Children & Families

Plus: Libraries, Healthcare Services, Statistics in Schools

Justice & Equality

Plus: Civil Rights

Diversity Counts

Community-specific resources

Business & Government

Plus: Funding & Data