Count All Kids Census 2020

For more than 50 years, Sesame Workshop and our beloved Sesame Street Muppets have been known as trusted voices helping families and their communities to give young children a strong and healthy start in life. Sesame Street has encouraged families to participate in the census since 1980, and this year the stakes for children are higher than ever. That’s why we have developed a series of videos, posters, and flyers, all in English and Spanish, to help you advocate and educate for counting young children on the 2020 Census.

Resources include:

  • 6 video (60 sec., 30 sec., and four topical 15 sec.) and 1 audio (30 sec.) PSAs emphasizing: the need to count all kids, how the census brings resources to your community, that the census can be completed online, over the phone, or by returning the form by mail, and that process is fast, easy, safe, and secure.
  • A 24×36 color poster encouraging families to Make Your Family Count!
  • A 8.5×11 flyer for caregivers and service providers explaining specific kids count issues.
  • Social media graphics with suggested posts and hashtags

These materials are free to use and will be available on starting February 22.