The Census Counts/Funders Census Initiative census operations webinar series provides organizations detailed real world insights and help obtaining a more accurate, complete count.

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Following are details for the Wednesday, February 12 webinar: Part 9 – Monitoring the Count in Real Time, Part II

Part 9 of the Census Counts/Funders Census Initiative census operations webinar series will cover how organizations can monitor the progress of the count in real time, to guide resource and outreach targeting, messaging and strategy modifications, and additional investments, as needed. Speakers will also cover what we can (and cannot) learn from real time indicators of census progress.


  • Elena Langworthy, State Voices
  • Terri Ann Lowenthal, Consultant, Funders Census Initiative
  • Steven Romalewski, Director, CUNY Mapping Service at the Center for Urban Research at The Graduate Center / CUNY
  • Moderator: Meredith Higashi, Philanthropy Northwest

RSVP here.